R&D: Our engine of innovation

At NobleBio, our R&D efforts are central, forming the heart of our organization. Our vision comes to life at our R&D and production facility in Oldenzaal (EU).

In our 'Research Centre,' we focus on optimizing the growth of various Bacillus species. We do this through fermentation protocols and engineering production processes, aiming to make these innovative solutions available to the market.

What we work on

NobleBio makes specific Bacillus strains available to the market. To achieve this, we work with various Bacillus strains, including:

  • Bacillus strains from our clients (produced according to specified fermentation protocols)
  • Bacillus strains from our own collection

Our R&D expertise and in-house engineering department enable the scaling up of Bacillus fermentation in our own production facility to a macro level.


Global impact

Our technology is applicable worldwide. Our expertise lies not only in optimizing yields but also in ensuring the stability and scalability of industrial microorganisms for significant global impact. Our modern fermentation facility is designed for superior stability and quality.


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